2024 Ambulatory Care Breakfast Briefings Webinar Series


The Ambulatory Care Breakfast Briefings Webinar Series  is a great way to prepare your staff to maintain compliance in the coming year. Educate your staff and maximize your budget by having your whole team participate in this essential 12-part opportunity. You will receive a complete overview of the standards, chapter by chapter, including any changes or anticipated changes to the survey process.  Each registered attendee will earn a certificate of attendance which can be used for continuing education credits.

To participate, you can watch the recordings at any time after the premiere date. To learn more about this opportunity, including a webinar schedule, view the tabs below. 

Access to this content is available until August 21, 2025.

Ambulatory Care Breakfast Briefings Webinar Series is an educational offering designed for unlimited use at one facility only. Special healthcare system discounts are available upon request. Contact Product Support at 888-527-9255, option 5, or via email at orders@jcrinc.com.

AMB Webinar
  • AMB Webinar
Product Description

Product Description

The Ambulatory Care Breakfast Briefings Webinar Series is the essential education your organization needs and is now available as a series of On-Demand prerecorded videos. This 12-part webinar series is your go-to webinar to hear the latest on the Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Ambulatory Care (CAMAC), and is a great way to prepare your staff and maintain compliance in the coming year, all the while reducing the costs of travel and time. Receive a complete overview of the standards, and any known changes including that of the survey process as you prepare for the coming year. All sessions will provide an overview, chapter by chapter led by Joint Commission enterprise leaders with insight and knowledge, providing tips and best practices for success. Each registered attendee will earn a certificate of attendance which can be used for continuing education credits.


Upon completion of the webinar series, participants should be able to:
1. Describe the updates and revisions to the ambulatory standards
2. Discuss the elements of performance as it relates to their role in accreditation preparation
3. Identify and discuss new changes to the survey process with peers and colleagues. 

Intended Audience:

This series intended for all levels of professionals who need to know the ambulatory care standards, and survey process. This may include, but is not limited to: administrators, clinical leadership, managers, and clinical professionals such as nurses, pharmacists, physicians, and social workers. The standards surround ambulatory surgery centers, community health, dental settings, primary care, office-based surgery, diagnostic imaging, telehealth, convenient care, urgent care, kidney care, sleep services or other ambulatory care settings.

To participate, you can watch the recordings at any time after the premiere date. Refer to the webinar schedule for details. Access to this content will be available until August 21, 2025.

The Joint Commission is a private, not-for-profit  organization dedicated to continuously improving the safety and quality of care provided to the public. Joint Commission Resources, Inc. (JCR), a wholly controlled, not-for-profit affiliate of The Joint Commission, is the official publisher and educator of The Joint Commission.

Webinar Schedule

Webinar Schedule

These will be pre-recorded sessions accessed through the Learning Management System. 

Access to this content will be available until August 21, 2025.

Sessions will premiere at 9:00 am CT on the following dates: 

Session Topic Date
Life Safety (LS)   On-Demand  
Environment of Care (EC)   On-Demand 
Emergency Management (EM) for ASCs   On-Demand 
Human Resources (HR)   On-Demand 
Infection Prevention and Control (IC)   On-Demand 
Information Management (IM), Record of Care, Treatment and Services (RC)   On-Demand 
Leadership (LD), Performance Improvement (PI)   On-Demand 
Patient Safety Systems (PS)   On-Demand 
Medication Management (MM)   On-Demand 
Rights and Responsibilities (RI), Transplant Safety (TS), Waived Testing (WT)   On-Demand 
Provision of Care, Treatment and Services (PC)   On-Demand 
National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG)   On-Demand 

This schedule is subject to change.

LMS Technology

LMS Technology

This product is accessed through our Learning Management System (LMS). All access details will be emailed to the license owner indicated during the purchase. JCR’s LMS is tested with the browsers listed below:

  • Google Chrome - latest two versions
  • Mozilla Firefox - latest two versions
  • Apple Safari - latest version
  • Microsoft Edge  – latest two versions

We recommend Google Chrome for the best experience.

Continuing Education

Continuing Education

Before registering for a program check for updates from your state, county or city on a regular basis to make sure it will be acceptable for your license/certification renewal.

Summary of Continuing Education contact hours awarded for this program:

  • ANCC: 1 hour for each session (total of 12 CEs)
  • ACHE: 1 hour for each session (total of 12 Qualifying Education Hours)
  • ACPE: 1 hour for Medication Management session only (total of 1 CE)

Learn more about continuing education below.

Read more about Continuing Education

Payment Options

Payment Options

All Joint Commission Resources products require pre-payment. For your convenience, if you do not have a credit card or a Paypal account available, we offer a sales quote/proforma invoice option to assist with initiating your payment. Payments submitted by check take up to 14 days to process. If you are registering for a program less than 14 days away, your registration may not be received in time and your seat may not be reserved. You will not have access to electronic program materials until your payment has been received. We strongly recommend credit card payments for any events less than 14 days away.

To take advantage of this option:

  1. Choose your item(s) and add them to your shopping cart. Select "Proceed to Secure Checkout or Create Proforma Invoice."
  2. Enter your billing and shipping details. Select "Continue."
  3. The next screen will be a full summary of your order.
  4. On the bottom right, there is a section titled "Create Proforma Invoice."
  5. Click the "Proforma Invoice" button. (See image below.) 
  6. Within 5 minutes, a sales quote will be sent to your email address with details about how to complete a check or wire transfer payment.

Or contact Product Support at 888-527-9255, option 5 (+1 630 268 2990 outside the US) or via email at orders@jcrinc.com to have a proforma invoice created and emailed directly to you.


Thank you.