Exploring the Life Safety Chapter - Live Webcast: August 7-8, 2025


This comprehensive seminar will help you master the always-challenging Joint Commission (TJC) Life Safety chapter standards. Life Safety experts will address the National Fire Protection Association’s Life Safety Code® requirements as they relate to TJC standards updates. You will receive practical compliance examples as our faculty shares proven safety strategies to help you reduce risk and maximize safety throughout your facility. Get your questions answered live by Life Safety experts.

In addition, don't forget to attend the Environment of Care Base Camp on August 5-6, 2025.

  • webcast
Event Description

Event Description

This comprehensive live webcast Life Safety (LS) seminar will help you master the always challenging Life Safety Code® standards to reduce risk and maximize safety throughout your facility. Join LS experts as they breakdown Joint Commission standards updates, provide practical compliance examples, and share proven safety strategies. 

In addition, don't forget to attend the Environment of Care Base Camp on August 5-6, 2025.

Joint Commission leaders with direct experience in code content, application, and inspection will share the newest findings and latest information across the most pressing Life Safety Code® topics, including:

  • CMS Categorical Waivers
    Join a discussion on CMS issued categorical waivers and how they affect seven key topics - from doors and exit enclosures to alarms and generators.
  • 2012 Life Safety Code®: Learn What's Changed and What It Means For You 
    The field's foremost leaders will share major changes around exiting, testing frequency, and other key updates.
  • Updates from the Joint Commission
    Gain first-hand insight as Joint Commission experts guide you through top findings and the latest news and information on the survey process. 

Intended Audience:

Real-life examples and interactive exercises led by Joint Commission professionals make this four-day event perfect for anyone responsible for achieving compliance with the Life Safety Chapter and Life Safety Code®, including EC professionals and Life Safety Code® specialist, Certified Facilty Managers, Certified Healthcare Safety Professionals, risk and accreditation managers, and quality managers and directors.

The attendees will have access to program materials through the Learning Management System until: November 6, 2026.

This program is for individual users only. It should not be shared, disseminated, downloaded, or posted for widespread or public use.

The Joint Commission is a private, not-for-profit  organization dedicated to continuously improving the safety and quality of care provided to the public. Joint Commission Resources, Inc. (JCR), a wholly controlled, not-for-profit affiliate of The Joint Commission, is the official publisher and educator of The Joint Commission.

Continuing Education

Continuing Education

Before registering for a program check for updates from your state, county or city on a regular basis to make sure it will be acceptable for your license/certification renewal.

Summary of Continuing Education contact hours awarded for this program:

  • ACHE: 15.3 Qualifying Education Hours


Learn more about continuing education below.
Read more about Continuing Education




 AGENDA in development  -  Please check back for updates.



Payment Options

Payment Options

All Joint Commission Resources products require pre-payment. For your convenience, if you do not have a credit card or a Paypal account available, we offer a sales quote/proforma invoice option to assist with initiating your payment. Payments submitted by check take up to 14 days to process. If you are registering for a program less than 14 days away, your registration may not be received in time and your seat may not be reserved. You will not have access to electronic program materials until your payment has been received. We strongly recommend credit card payments for any events less than 14 days away.

To take advantage of this option:

  1. Choose your item(s) and add them to your shopping cart. Select "Proceed to Secure Checkout or Create Proforma Invoice."
  2. Enter your billing and shipping details. Select "Continue."
  3. The next screen will be a full summary of your order.
  4. On the bottom right, there is a section titled "Create Proforma Invoice."
  5. Click the "Proforma Invoice" button. (See image below.) 
  6. Within 5 minutes, a sales quote will be sent to your email address with details about how to complete a check or wire transfer payment.

Or contact Product Support at 888-527-9255, option 5 (+1 630 268 2990 outside the US) or via email at orders@jcrinc.com to have a proforma invoice created and emailed directly to you.


Thank you.

Technical Specifications

Technical Specifications

This product is accessed through our Learning Management System (LMS). All access details will be emailed to the registrant upon purchase.

JCR’s LMS is tested with the browsers listed below:

  • Google Chrome - latest two versions
  • Mozilla Firefox - latest two versions
  • Apple Safari - latest version
  • Microsoft Edge  – latest two versions

We recommend Google Chrome for the best experience. The live webcast will be conducted using the Zoom Webinar platform. To ensure a smooth event experience, click here to test your Zoom audio and video connection. Please log into the webinar 15 minutes before the program begins for the best experience.