Product Description
Failure to appropriately reprocess reusable medical devices is a top-cited challenge for many Joint Commission–accredited health care organizations; in some cases, this failure leads to an immediate threat to health or safety. Proper cleaning, disinfection, or sterilization of medical devices are essential to prevent and control infection among patients and to mitigate exposure of patients and staff to chemicals used in these processes.
This book provides step-by-step guidance on the sterilization of medical devices used in critical applications and on the high-level disinfection of heat-sensitive flexible endoscopes and ultrasound probes that encounter mucous membranes and nonintact skin. The Joint Commission Guide to Reprocessing Reusable Medical Devices also emphasizes the importance of understanding the Spaulding classification system, following manufacturer instructions for use (IFUs), and resolving any discrepancies among IFUs of medical device and reprocessing equipment manufacturers.
Key Topics
Hierarchy to follow when developing reprocessing policies, procedures, and protocols
Outbreaks related to improperly disinfected or inadequately sterilized medical devices
Joint Commission and Joint Commission International standards related to device cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization
Importance of precleaning/point-of-use treatment, before beginning high-level disinfection or sterilization
What Joint Commission surveyors look for when observing reprocessing activities
Essential quality control measures
Training and competency assessment of all staff involved in medical device reprocessing
Key Features
Downloadable and customizable tools
Helpful infographics and photographs
Clear explanations and clarifications of cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization
Standards: Joint Commission Infection Prevention and Control (IC) and Environment of Care (EC) standards; JCI Prevention and Control of Infections (PCI) standards
Settings: Hospitals, critical access hospitals, ambulatory care organizations, and office-based surgery practices--any health care setting that reprocesses reusable medical devices
Key Audience
Infection preventionists
Staff who supervise medical device reprocessing
Staff involved in medical device reprocessing
Staff who maintain equipment used in medical device reprocessing
Anyone involved in training and competency assessment of staff who take part in medical device reprocessing