The Joint Commission Perspectives

The Official Newsletter of The Joint Commission

Joint Commission Perspectives® provides authoritative, accurate, and timely information about Joint Commission standards, National Patient Safety Goals, policies, and other requirements for all Joint Commission–accredited, –certified, and –verified organizations. Perspectives covers all accredited and certified health care settings and verification for maternal levels of care.

All Joint Commission–accredited, –certified, and –verified organizations receive complimentary access via their secure Joint Commission Connect® extranet site. Please contact your organization’s Joint Commission coordinator for access.

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The Joint Commission Perspectives
  • The Joint Commission Perspectives
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Product Description

Product Description

Joint Commission Perspectives® is the official newsletter of The Joint Commission.  It is your primary source for information about Joint Commission accreditation, certification, and verification requirements, policies, and initiatives. Published monthly, Perspectives is the resource you can rely on for the most up-to-date information about requirements—and any revisions or changes—for your health care setting. Perspectives ensures that you stay current on the following topics:

  • Updates/additions/revisions/deletions to the following:
    • Joint Commission standards and elements of performance
    • National Patient Safety Goals
    • Policies
    • Eligibility requirements
    • Decision rules
    • Performance measures
    • Survey/review process
  • Announcements of the following:
    • New accreditation, certification, and verification programs
    • Organization engagement initiatives
    • Joint Commission collaborations with health care associations
    • Field review of proposed requirements

Publication in Perspectives is considered official notification of new, updated, and/or revised requirements for Joint Commission–accredited, –certified, and –verified organizations.

Key Content

Perspectives helps your organization maintain continuous compliance by keeping you informed in a timely way of any new, updated, and/or revised standards, elements of performance, survey/review processes, and/or policies and procedures.  In addition, Perspectives provides articles related to patient safety, error reduction, and other new and evolving Joint Commission initiatives and policies that may affect and require action in your accredited, certified, and/or verified organization. The following are examples of what you’ll find in Perspectives.

  • Joint Commission standards, policies, eligibility, performance measurement requirements, and survey/review process
  • National Patient Safety Goals
  • Programs, initiatives, collaborations, awards, and organization engagement activities at The Joint Commission
  • Joint Commission recognition programs
  • Top compliance issues and statistics by accreditation and certification programs
  • Sentinel event statistics and Sentinel Event Alerts for accredited organizations

Key Features

  • Perspectives articles with the Joint Commission Requirements icon highlight new and/or specific changes to Joint Commission standards, policies, eligibility, performance measurement requirements, and survey/review process.
  • Consistent Interpretation pairs actual Joint Commission surveyor observations on specific accreditation requirements with guidance from the Standards Interpretation Group to support your compliance efforts. Learn what surveyors are seeing and how to address those challenging compliance issues.
  • In Sight allows you to monitor changes to Joint Commission standards, survey and review processes, and key initiatives before they are approved, so you are always in-the-know about what’s happening at The Joint Commission. See what’s Approved, In Field Review, and In Development.
  • Table of contents and brief article abstracts from that month’s Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety

Standards: All accreditation, certification, and verification standards as applicable

Settings: Ambulatory Care, Assisted Living Community, Behavioral Health Care and Human Services, Critical Access Hospital, Home Care, Hospital, Laboratory, Nursing Care Center, Office-Based Surgery

Audience: Perspectives is primarily intended for staff who are responsible for accreditation-, certification-, and/or verification-related activities and performance improvement, administration leaders, nurse leaders, and physician leaders in all health care settings. This newsletter is also relevant to lawyers, policymakers, government entities, health care associations, health care consultants, and other stakeholders interested in The Joint Commission.

To view a sample of Perspectives, click below.

Sample Issue



Click below to access the Joint Commission Prepublication Standards webpage.

Joint Commission Prepublication Standards



Executive Editor: Kathy DeMase
Senior Project Manager: Chris Zwirek
Associate Director, Editorial, Accreditation Content: Mary Beth Curran
Executive Director, Global Publishing: Catherine Chopp Hinckley, MA, PhD

For questions regarding Perspectives® content, please contact the editor:
Kathy DeMase
Executive Editor

Editorial Policy

Reference to a name, organization, product, or service in Perspectives should not be construed as an endorsement by The Joint Commission, nor is failure to include a name, organization, product, or service to be construed as disapproval.

Subscription Information

Perspectives (ISSN 1044-4017) is published monthly (12 issues per year) by Joint Commission Resources, One Renaissance Boulevard, Suite 401, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181.

For questions about subscribing or renewing your subscription or updating your address information, please contact JCR Product Support (877.223.6866, Option 1).

Complimentary Subscription

Perspectives is available to Joint Commission–accredited, –certified, and –verified organizations via their secure Joint Commission Connect® extranet site. To read the current issue, click on the Perspectives link under “Resources and Tools.” If you cannot access your complimentary copy on the extranet, please contact your Account Executive at The Joint Commission.

© 2023 The Joint Commission

Joint Commission Resources, Inc (JCR), a not-for-profit affiliate of The Joint Commission, has been designated by The Joint Commission to publish publications and multimedia products. JCR reproduces and distributes the materials under license from The Joint Commission.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any reasons without written permission. Contact



Who in my organization should subscribe to Joint Commission Perspectives®?

Perspectives is the official newsletter of The Joint Commission, and as such, it communicates required information about standards and policies, including updates and revisions. Publication in Perspectives is considered official notification of changes and updates to Joint Commission–accredited, –certified, and –verified organizations. Therefore, it is primarily intended for staff who are responsible for accreditation-, certification-, and/or -verification-related activities and performance improvement, administration leaders, nurse leaders, and physician leaders in all health care settings. (All Joint Commission–accredited, –certified, and –verified organizations receive complimentary access via their secure Joint Commission Connect® extranet site.) It is also relevant to lawyers, policymakers, government entities, health care associations, health care consultants, and other stakeholders who are interested in The Joint Commission.

What topics does Perspectives cover?

Perspectives is the official newsletter of The Joint Commission. It helps organizations maintain continuous compliance. It updates organizations on standards, survey and review processes, policy changes, patient safety, error reduction, and other new and evolving initiatives and policies that may affect and require action of accredited, certified, and verified organizations.

How often is Perspectives published?

Perspectives is published 12 times a year by Joint Commission Resources.

Do accredited and certified organizations receive complimentary subscriptions to Perspectives?

Yes. Perspectives is available to Joint Commission–accredited, –certified, –verified organizations via their secure Joint Commission Connect® extranet site. To read the current issue, click on the Perspectives link under “Resources and Tools.” If you cannot access your complimentary copy on the extranet, please contact your Account Executive at The Joint Commission.

Who should I contact with specific requirement-related questions?

If you have questions regarding interpretation or clarification of Joint Commission standards, please contact the Standards Interpretation Group (SIG) through the Online Question Form.

For general periodical FAQs, please click here.

Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

Joint Commission Perspectives®, as the official newsletter of and authored by The Joint Commission, does not accept article submissions. If you have a question or requests for specific coverage, please send it to Joint Commission Perspectives at

If you have questions regarding interpretation or clarification of Joint Commission standards, please contact The Joint Commission’s Standards Interpretation Group (SIG).

Payment Options

Payment Options

All Joint Commission Resources products require pre-payment. For your convenience, if you do not have a credit card or a Paypal account available, we offer a sales quote/proforma invoice option to assist with initiating your payment. Payments submitted by check take up to 14 days to process. If you are registering for a program less than 14 days away, your registration may not be received in time and your seat may not be reserved. You will not have access to electronic program materials until your payment has been received. We strongly recommend credit card payments for any events less than 14 days away.

To take advantage of this option:

  1. Choose your item(s) and add them to your shopping cart. Select "Proceed to Secure Checkout or Create Proforma Invoice."
  2. Enter your billing and shipping details. Select "Continue."
  3. The next screen will be a full summary of your order.
  4. On the bottom right, there is a section titled "Create Proforma Invoice."
  5. Click the "Proforma Invoice" button. (See image below.) 
  6. Within 5 minutes, a sales quote will be sent to your email address with details about how to complete a check or wire transfer payment.

Or contact Product Support at 877.223.6866, option 1 (+1 630 268 2990 outside the US) or via email at to have a proforma invoice created and emailed directly to you.


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